Unfortunately, it can get really hot and uncomfortable in the Philippines. To this end, an air conditioning solution, such as an electric fan, is a convenient and effective option to keep your home cool. But before rushing to buy one, do you know how much power an electric fan consumes?
This comprehensive guide discusses different types of electric fans as well as their electric fan wattage. We'll also explore the running costs of fans and zero in on energy-efficient models.
Types of Electric Fans
Before tackling how much electricity a fan consumes, it's vital to understand that there are different types of electric fans. And with each fan type, the electric fan wattage varies. Some common categories of fans include:
- Ceiling fans
- Tower fans
- Wall mount fans
- Box fans
- Desk/table fans, etc.
While their basic functionality is typically the same, electric fans vary when it comes to the amount of airflow generated, available fan speeds, motor efficiency, size, and style, among other factors. Some electric fans are versatile enough for use at home and in small offices, while others are solely for commercial and industrial use due to their powerful generation of high-volume and continuous airflow, which is ideal for cooling large commercial spaces.
Electric Fan Wattage
The amount of power an electric fan consumes within a specific duration is what we call electric fan wattage. Also referred to as the power consumption rating, this wattage is usually denoted in watts, but you may also find it indicated in kilowatt-hours.
To determine how much electricity an electric fan will use when cooling your Philippine home, you need to assess its wattage. And often, you'll find that value on the fan's packaging or user manual. It shows how much power the fan uses while operating at its highest speed.
As a general rule of thumb, the smaller the wattage, the less electricity the fan will use. However, most fans with high electric wattage are energy-efficient to prevent your electric bill from shooting through the roof. But more on that later!
How Much Electricity Does a Fan Use?
As mentioned earlier, different electric fans consume varying amounts of electricity. But that number majorly depends on the electric fan wattage. Generally, the average electric fan wattage ranges from 30 watts to 100 watts, depending on the fan type, speed, and size.
But how do you know the exact amount of electricity a particular fan will use? Well, the formula is simple. But first, you must determine how long you'll be running the fun. Suppose you'll use it for six hours during the day. Note that number and apply the following formula:
Electric fan wattage (in watts) x number of hours used = daily electricity consumption
Let's say your preferred electric fan has a wattage of 50 watts, and you plan to use it for five hours a day. That means the total electricity it will use within a day will be 50 x 5= 250 watt-hours. To get a more accurate value, convert the watt-hours into kWh, giving you 0.25kWh (250Wh/1000).
How Many Watts Do Different Fans Use in a Year?

Now that we know how to calculate how much electricity an electric fan will consume in a day, let's look at how much different fan types will consume in a year. Of course, you'll first need to determine how many hours per day you'll likely use the fan. With this value and the electric fan wattage in mind, you can easily determine how many watts a fan will consume annually.
Suppose you want to cool a large room in your home or office. In this case, you're more likely to end up with a ceiling fan. Ceiling fans usually have a high wattage ranging from 90 watts to 180 watts, depending on the model.
Consequently, an hour of using this fan may result in 0.09kWh to 0.18kWh in power use. That means, if you use it for an average of eight hours per day, it is likely to use up between 262.8kWh and 525.6kWh annually ((0.09 x 8 x 365) - (0.18 x 8 x 365))
Here's a summary of the average watts different electric fans will use within a year:
Electric Fan Type |
Fan Wattage |
Average watts used within a year |
Pedestal fans |
60 - 100 watts |
175.2 - 292kWh |
Box fans |
73 - 220 watts |
213.66 - 642.4kWh |
Tower fans |
56 - 110 watts |
163.52 - 321.2kWh |
Desk fans |
50 - 60 watts |
146 - 175.2kWh |
Wall mount fans |
73 - 160 watts |
213.66 - 467.2kWh |
Do note that these values are calculated assuming the fan will be used for eight hours a day throughout the year.
How Much Does it Cost to Run a Fan?
When it comes to the actual costs of running a fan, it varies based on various factors. These include:
Fan Wattage
We've already mentioned that electric fan wattage is the amount of power the device will consume when cooling a room within a specific duration. The smaller the wattage, the less it will cost to run the fan, and vice versa.
Duration of Use
The number of hours you'll run the fan will directly affect its running costs. The more you use it, the more you're likely to pay.
Cost of Electricity
The cost per unit of electricity in your region dictates how much you'll pay every time you switch on your fan. Based on the February 2024 Rates Update from Meralco (the Manilla Electric Company), the average cost of electricity of a typical Filipino household in kWh is ₱11.9168. But do note that this price is subject to change based on recommendations by the government or other related agencies.
Amount of Air Volume the Fan Generates Within a Minute
Also known as CFM or cubic feet per minute, the air volume an electric fan produces in a minute determines how fast it will cool the room. As such, fans with a low CFM rating are less efficient in cooling a large room, meaning they will need more time and consume more energy. However, those with high CFM ratings efficiently use each watt, making them more energy-efficient.
You can measure the size of an electric fan based on the number of blade rotations or the size of its shell. Generally, the average electric fan measures 12 -56 inches in diameter. As for the blade rotations, the more and bigger they are, the more efficient the fan is.
In this modern day and age, electric fans come with innovative features to make them more efficient while reducing power consumption. For instance, some electric fans come with an automatic turn-off feature, which switches off the fan after a specific time of use.
Do Electric Fans Use A Lot of Electricity?
Generally speaking, electric fans are not power guzzlers – especially compared to other home appliances. However, the amount of electricity it uses depends on the model and how long you use it.
Given that most electric fans consume 30 to 100 watts, they are likely to consume about 0.0393kWh per home, which is pretty low. In fact, if you use it at a low setting, you'll definitely keep your energy bills low. But if those low settings result in more hours of actively using the fan, the cost of your electric bill will add up.
Remembering that a fan essentially helps circulate cool air in a room is vital. In other words, the cool air must already be present in the room. That's why, in very hot climates, it's best to pair an electric fan with an air conditioning system if you want to reduce your electric bill. That way, the cool air comes from the AC unit, and the fan circulates it throughout the room.
Further, some electric fans come with light fixtures, thus potentially adding to your power costs. The average fan with a light has a power consumption rating of about 120 watts. But if the fan's motor is powerful, this value can double easily. So, if you’re not using a solar generator kit like the BLUETTI AC300+ B300, such fans would drastically add to your power bill.
How to Reduce the Cost of Running Your Fan
It goes without saying that electric fans consume power. And while they use less energy in a home than other appliances, they can still rake up your electric bill if you use a robust model or for longer hours. Luckily, there are ways to reduce the running costs of your electric fan.
One way is to optimize its use. For instance, if you're cooling a small room, close the door to keep the cool air in. You can also lower the fan's speed to reduce the electricity they use. The same applies to cooling a large room.
Another way is to replace the blades of your fan with smaller ones. The larger the blades, the more electricity it will use to circulate the cool air. But with smaller blades, they boost the fan's efficiency. Further, choose a fan with speed settings to help you reduce power consumption.
Lastly, as we mentioned earlier, energy-efficient models consume less power. In fact, while some models can reduce power consumption by up to 60%, others come with solar recharging functionalities.
That way, you can use reliable solar power stations like the BLUETTI AC180 portable power station to power the fan at no extra electric costs.
Likewise, the BLUETTI AC200P portable power station is another excellent choice, especially for those living off-grid. After all, it allows you to charge 17 different devices and has a 2000Wh capacity. That way, you'll no longer have to worry about how much it costs to run a fan.
Final Thoughts
Overall, buying an electric fan is a worthwhile investment. It will help you stay cool and comfortable in your home or office without adding to your electric bill. What's more, you can further reduce the fan's running costs by using a solar power station. Not only will it make your home more eco-friendly, but it will also help power other high-wattage appliances like the refrigerator, entertainment system, or an electric stove.